One of the big reasons we pursue opportunities for Christians to work together is because these partnerships become demonstrations of how to share our unique gifts and distinctives outside of our own organization or place of worship. This breaks down the myth that people from different church backgrounds, affiliations or cultures refuse to do good things together. The increased efficiency of partnership can also maximize the redemptive ways we creatively bless our community, and helps us become better stewards of the resources God has provided. If you have been inspired by the mission and want to contribute, then this page will help you find ways to share your time and money towards supporting the ongoing partnerships we are operating. From time to time you will also find specific needs we have identified as necessary in order to help with growth.
Volunteers are critical to the success of our partnerships. We will work with the skills and interests you already have, and we offer training that will help you apply your gifts as part of our team.
Identifying and managing the financial resources to sustain the ministry and invest into the people we serve is an essential part of our responsibility as an organization. We are honored by those who trust us to steward their gifts towards those purposes, and we invite you to join those who give generously to our unique mission.
Specific needs are created by emerging conditions or the development of new projects. Here you will find those areas where we seek your assistance.